Overview page

Empirical cumulative distribution functions (ECDF)

Separable functions in 5-D

Misc. moderate functions in 5-D

Ill-conditioned functions in 5-D

Multi-modal functions in 5-D

Weak structure functions in 5-D

All functions in 5-D

Separable functions in 20-D

Misc. moderate functions in 20-D

Ill-conditioned functions in 20-D

Multi-modal functions in 20-D

Weak structure functions in 20-D

All functions in 20-D

Empirical cumulative distribution functions (ECDF), plotting the fraction of trials with an outcome not larger than the respective value on the x-axis. Left subplots: ECDF of the number of f-evaluations divided by search space dimension D, to fall below fopt+∆f with ∆f =10k, where k is the first value in the legend. The thick red line represents the most difficult target value fopt+ 10−8. Legends indicate for each target the number of functions that were solved in at least one trial within the displayed budget. Right subplots: ECDF of the best achieved ∆f for running times of 0.5D, 1.2D, 3D, 10D, 100D, 1000D,... f-evaluations (from right to left cycling cyan-magenta-black...) and final ∆f-value (red), where ∆fand Df denote the difference to the optimal function value. Light brown lines in the background show ECDFs for the most difficult target of all algorithms benchmarked during BBOB-2009.